Psalm 77:19 Your way [was] in the sea, Your path in the great waters, And Your footsteps were not known. 20 You led Your people like a flock By the hand of Moses and Aaron.

Perhaps you’ve heard it said, “He (The Lord) will make a way, even when there is no way.”

Jesus is the way, not only to Heaven, but also through this world and all of its troubles and trials!

The verses above are of course speaking of the exodus of Israel through the Red Sea. The God that parted the sea, left no footprints, but He did make a way through absolute impossibility! Don’t we all tend to want to see the Lord in order to believe He is there? He wants us to know that He is there simply because He has told us that He will always be there for us!

Like a faithful shepherd, God led His own people safely across on dry ground. Then when the very last one of them reached the other side, He made the sea collapse upon the Egyptian army destroying them all! Thank God for the spiritual leaders in our life to encourage us to completely trust our Great Shepherd! God works through people, because He as made us to not only need Him, but to also need each other!

One last thing, before I conclude: I had a very straight forward dream a few nights ago. It was this: I was aware that my wife was with me in a dark building. There were many others with us but I could not make out who they were. Suddenly, air raid sirens rang out! Someone shouted, “We are under attack!” That was it! At first I questioned, “Is this a warning of an air raid?” I cannot rule that out. However, this is what I believe was revealed to me: The Body of Christ is under attack by the Prince of the power of air! (Eph. 2:2) Prince, meaning chief ruler in the heavens or atmosphere between Earth and Heaven itself. (Eph. 6:12) Satan has no power whatsoever in the third heaven where God sits on His throne! We today, like the escaping Israelites, are passing through a Red Sea like time, in route to the promised land! Satan is whispering into the air or atmosphere in hopes that it will reach our ears in an attempt to get us to murmur, complain and to be very fearful. He also seeks to divide the people of God and coax us into unbelief of the promises of God! Because of this, so many of the Israelis fell in the wilderness and did not cross the Jordan! Christian, stay the course and keep your eyes on Jesus. Heed His voice and you shall surely and victoriously cross over to the other side!

Every blessing!


Tom Anglin